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  • What is an Energy Audit?

    A home energy audit involves a complete inspection of your home and an analysis of how you and the rest of your family use energy. This provides a plan of action to develop the energy use in your home. Some items to consider include how air circulates in the home, air movement at openings and fenestrations and areas where different types of buildings materials come together, closing up air gaps with caulking or insulation, insulating attics, duct work and hot water pipes.

    An expert assesses the property to determine the energy efficiency of the property. The audits enable the owner to learn where they can save money, water, and energy. An energy audit can be conducted anytime. However, it is most often performed as a requirement for getting government rebates. There are three types energy audits, and include the following:

    1. Preliminary Audit – This involves conducting interviews with a few key personnel, a quick review of utility bills and a rapid inspection of facilities to recognize obvious energy saving opportunities. Its main purpose is to attain some quick savings and assists you to decide if a more in-depth audit should be carried out.
    2. General Audit – It is more comprehensive than a preliminary audit. Utility bills are examined over 1 to 2 years. Energy consumption tracking devices are often installed in high energy consumption areas. In addition, a financial evaluation is conducted to know where precise savings can be warranted.
    3. Investment Grade Audit – It aims to protect funding on a return- on-investment basis to create a case for a corporate investment. A business investment involves the company spending cash on a project or improvement in the method business is done.

    Since home energy audits reveal virtual cracks in the ability of the home to distribute energy, you can follow up by addressing these issues effectively. Home energy audits also provide satisfaction for those people interested in conserving energy or having a negative impact on the environment.